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 The transcendental deduction of Kant is on shaky ground. He himself rewrote it in the second edition. The idea is to show that after he has first given proof that reason and empirical knowledge have two different sources, then he wants to show that in spite of that, they work together to give true knowledge. I am thinking that the Friesian idea of a deeper source of knowledge [immediate non-intuitive knowledge] gives a answer that is almost implicit in Kant himself. For even in the second edition of the Critique,  he only shows that pure reason and knowledge based on the senses must work together, but not how.  


Say no to worship of tadikim and no to pantheism.

 I should make clear that my basic approach is that of  Deuteronomy from around chapters 5 to 10. that is straight monotheism. So I might agree that Rav Nachman of Breslov has deep insights in the human experience, still I do not hold from any sort of worship of tzadikim, nor any kind of pantheism. It does not matter if people try to dress up these false doctrines in the guise of Torah.

 There ought to be some means or ways of determining  what is legitimate philosophy  [such that does not depend on taste]. For i have been conflicted between Hegel and Jacob Fries for as long back as i can remember having learned their different world views. It is not that i am trying to discover the one true philosophy but rather that i see elements of both approaches that come up all the time.  for example the triads of Hegel you see in the fact that there can only be three kinds of surfaces: spheres, or torus [or connected torus's] or projective planes. On the other hand Kant's ideas also seem to come up all the time and Kant seems to be in need of some kind of modification also and the best in that way seems to be the Friesian Approach.

To Be Rescued from Dark Side Torah

 Even though the study of Musar [mediaeval books on ethics] was emphasized by Israel Salanter as away to gain correction of faulty character traits, it has the further advantage of world view-- that is of gaining a world view not contaminated by modern confusions.

To some degree the effect of modern confusions can be mitigated [lessened] by the study of midrash, still midrash is not systematized. Musar is systematic and does not depend on philosophical sophistication or previous knowledge of tenach or gemara.

There is also  advantage that pseudo Torah is generally taught instead of Torah. musar shields from the Torah of the Sitra Achra [Dark Side Torah.]]


 It is not who is in the White House is the problem in the USA. Great republics do no depend on who lead but on the collective spirit. If the ideals that America was founded on are weak, that is the real threat.  

[i am being short as usual. what i am hinting at is Nero and the fact that the Roman Empire managed and even expanded and grew in power even with the most degenerate emperors.

Also i am making note that the department of disinformation [misnamed as the department of education] has a hand in the decay and erosion of American Values by it promotion of false ideologies,]


 marriage just seems like jumping out of an aitplane with a fifty fifty chance that your parachute might open. all the romance  seems to have been lost. Nowadays marriages seem like business transactions.  the guy gets sex and pays for it. until after the marriage when he pays for it without getting it. 

i have thought for a long time to depend on the Raavad and Ramban that see having a mistress as perfectly okay.

After I moved to a new apartment, I did not realize the problem with cockroaches. I do not know if they bite or other bugs come along with them. And I was getting bites and sores until I realized from where the problem was coming from. so i bought chlorine  but that worked only partially. Then I found this Israeli invention of a kind of paste that you leave on the floor and the bugs eat it and disappear, That works wonders. but the bites and sores remained. I found out there are bugs that burrow under the skin. So doctors might give different things to take care of skin disease. But this was not a disease. It is bugs that burrow.  I found alcohol, olive oil, peroxide, iodine and stuff they call חומצת מלח salty acid to help. But only after squeezing the infected area. For these bugs leave a protective covering that no ointment can penetrate until the liquid covering is squeezed out.