Belief in God is rational. Everything has a cause. So unless there is a first cause, then you would have an infinite regress. And then nothing could exist. Therefore there must be a first cause. Therefore God, the first cause, exists. QED.
dipping in vessels as far as a mikve/goes is a problem
I have thought about spheres in higher dimensions for along time--that is the subject called homotopy but never came to any new ideas there except that the more symmetries you have in higher dimensions the less fields should be available which would limit any worlds there. So you can see why a world like in String Theory with 10 dimensions should still be limited to 3 space and one time just to have a place to have interesting results. Knots is a good example where adding dimensions makes a place where you can not have knots . They can slip.
מוקצה מחמת גופו would be coins on Shabat. But that itself is an argument between Beit Shamai and Beit Hillel concerning bones. To Rashi that refers to bones that are totally inedible. And yet and thus. מוקצה מחמת גופו. In the Mishna Beit Hillel forbids and then the Gemara turns to Mishna around so that Beit Hillel turn out to be the ones who permit. And that goes along with the regular law that to R. Shimon Muktze only applies to Yom Tov.
Still there are opinions in the Gemara that limit what R Shimon says--even though everyone agrees that the law is like him. So I have never written about this because people that want to be strict have some opinions to depend on. It is just that I am not looking for ways of being extra stringent. What the Torah forbids is enough for me
General Robert E Lee. And the Union was voluntary. So it is like you have a marriage where both enter into the agreement voluntarily, and then one starts to abuse the other. Is there any question that one has the right to leave that arrangement? What right would the other party have to bring guns and cannon to the table to make the other party stay?
I was thinking about General Robert E Lee and his devotion to do what is right at all cost. So I thought about what was he thinking at the beginning of the Civil War? And it occurred to me that he must not have been thinking about secession as much as the Constitution itself.(And as far as slavery went, the Supreme Court had decided the issue based on the Constitution in the Dred Scot decision. For the Constitution itself never addressed the issue so automatically it went under the 9th and tenth ammendment that everything not addressed in the Constitution goes to the states.). So as far as anyone could see, the North was trampling's the rights of the states. And the Union was voluntary. So it is like you have a marriage where both enter into the agreement voluntarily, and then one starts to abuse the other. Is there any question that one has the right to leave that arrangement? What right would the other party have to bring guns and cannon to the table to make the other party stay?