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 I can see why a lot of companies exported their jobs to China. The situation in the US was such that unions were crushing business. They did not care how much money the actual business had. They would simply make demands and more and more and more. If the business owner tried to explain he did not have the money to pay for that , the unions did not care.  Go take a look at the history of the unions in the USA if you do not believe me. The end result certainly was to strengthen China, but what was a business owner supposed to do? 



Russia, China and Iran are forming an alliance against the USA. The New World Disorder.

 Russia, China and Iran are forming an alliance against the USA. This is a period of a new world disorder. I would not worry if not for the black element in the US which is determined on bring down the USA.  It would be hard for the USA to fight against three formidable opponents while at the same time having to deal with a enemies at home that are just waiting to stab the USA in the back. [And all the more so when those enemies are now in the White House and in control of Congress.]]

Other democracies might come to the aid of the USA, but that will not matter as long as you have an enemy within the gates. The black problem is the one most lethal problem that the USA has-mainly because it can not be acknowledged.  If the USA can not admit it has a problem, then finding a solution is impossible.

 The answer: Learn Torah.That is mainly Gemara with Tosphot and Rav Shach. But also with STEM..


You can not change a child's sex. That is simply called castration.  If one tries to drive out Nature, it comes back with a  vengeance.

ליקוטי מוהר''ן חלק א' פרק ע''ב

One thing Rav Nahman said was that when one prays often thoughts come that mess up one's prayer. Often you find people tht shake their head and do all kinds of odd motions to get rid of evil thoughts. He said that does not help and in fact just the opposite. The more one fights against them the more they get stronger. The only advice is to ignore them completely and just continue in one's service. I find this advice to be helping me in other situations besides prayer, for example learning.

ליקוטי מוהר''ן חלק א' פרק ע''ב
The LeM of Rav Nahman of Breslov vol I chapter 72 

It is a fact that King Asa was blamed in the Bible for going to doctors instead of God. In the verses it looks like an "either or ,-but not both" function. This ("Shtims") parallels well with what the mishna says טוב שברופאים לגיהינום. [The best of doctors is destined for Hell]. 

It is well known that Rav Nahman of Breslov also warned against doctors. 

So the whole Covid hoax and vaccination poisons have not seemed to me to be worth paying any attention to. But I have not protested or gotten into arguments about them.

Ad I do not want here either to go into this subject. it is well known that psychology is pseudoscience and even what is thought to be regular medicine. However in Breslov it was the custom to go to doctors anyway--just the best ones. And from what I can understand from my parents is that once a procedure has been well established for  over 50 years (at minimum), then it can be thought to be more or less reliable.

I might add that while I was in Uman in Ukraine God granted to me that i had great doctors when i needed them. the care I received was astounding--but I was nervous because for example  in the same trauma unit where I had an operation there had been in the time of the USSR a doctors who was a butcher.. I knew a girl that was crippled for life after being operated on by him. So I should say that my good experiences were all after Ukraine gained independence. And I should add that the good doctors were very conservative in that they would never use new medicines nor new procedures. 

Besides that I should admit I owe a lot of gratitude to people in Uman for other reasons. When I needed help, may there were there to help.
