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In the commentary of the Gra on Proverbs, it brings the idea that a person needs no effort at all -[perhaps even without Trust in God. This seems to be unclear/]. This is based on Rosh Hashana 26b. "The People in the study hall did not know the meaning of the verse 'Throw on the Lord your burden and he will support you.' They thought that one should trust in God and also do effort. However that did not fit the verse which should have said, 'your needs'. What is the 'burden' [in a language that means 'things that you ask for'. ] Then they saw the event with Raba Bar Bar Chana who was walking and carrying a burden. A merchant came by and said, 'Put your burden on my camel.' Then the people in the study hall said, 'We see that even for what a person has to pay for, if it is from Heaven, people will beg to do it for him.'" 
I do not know when one should trust, and when one should do effort. But in my own life, doing effort always backfires. So I try to trust in God for everything as much as I can.--That means, I try to minimize the efforts, and instead to trust that what is decreed for me, will come to me, whether I like it or not. 

However I should add that "kollel" is not the same thing as trust in God. Kollel is using Torah to make money. However you might find some permission for that. Okay. But that still does not mean it is trust in God. It is openly using Torah as a means to make money. Let us not mince words about it.

 I would have to root for the Ukraine since I have an endless debt of gratitude for the many people there that helped me when I needed help. The details are not important, but the fact of the matter is that people went far beyond their means to help me in all sorts of difficult situations when I needed help.y life.


 z69 music file.  It seems to me that this piece is basically done-for now. But certainly it will need later editing. So I present it as it is, on condition that people that listen will forgive me for rough spots.

 I know that when I first saw the path of learning of Rav Nahman--saying the words and going on, I mentioned this to Motti Freifeld [the son of Shelomo Freifeld, the founder of the great Litvak yeshiva Shar Yashuv]. Motti was adamant that Review is the only proper path. And to a large degree you see this in Litvak yeshivot--deep intense learning. and tons of review.

So doing "just saying the words and going on", I could not do since by that I understood zilch. But the intense sort of deep learning you have in the great Litvak Yeshivot I also had no idea how to get to that.

So I had a sort of compromise to say every section of the Gemara and Tosphot twice--and then go on. Eventually I added the Maharasha and Pnei Yehoshua. and since these were hard to get at all, I used to review them about ten times or more.

After some time has gone by, I can see the importance of both methods: fast learning and slow painstaking in depth.

[For the kind of in depth learning in the Litvak Yeshivot it is helpful to have a learning partner with a computer like mind [like  I had for awhile, David Bronson]. Without him, it takes a lot more time "to calculate the sugia" [the calculate the subject.] as they call it in Israel. For those like me that are more or less on our own in learning, I recommend getting as many of the books of the great Litvish sages from Rav Chaim of Brisk up to Rav Shach. -]

 I see after last week when an Arab took a machine gun and killed a bunch of people that, Israel is not letting Arabs in to work or to vacation at the sea. --at least for now at the start of Ramadan. I mean to say, that the usual surge of Arabs at the beach is towards the middle and end of Ramadan. But I would usually see plenty at the beginning also. Today I did nor see a single Arab at the beach. Obviously Israel has closed the borders. 

[The actual murders done last week were by Arabs with Israeli Citizenship living in Israel, so closing the border does nothing about that problem. Still I can see why the government is concerned about Arab Violence.]

[After a day of that, Israel let in all the Arabs with work permits. I see most of the regulars are back to work. -But maybe not all. But I see that Arabs without work permits are still not being let in since there were none at the beach.

 Even though the Kesef Mishna and the Gra disagree about what it means יש קניין לעכו''ם להפקיע מידי תרומה ומעשר it is still hard to see if there in ant difference in terms of practice. Though I do admit the approach of the Beit Joseph helps to understand the Gemara in Rosh Hashanah page 13. Thee it asks how could Israel bring the Omer from grain that grew in the property of the Canaanites. [Though I am wondering what the Gemara means there. Did Israel bring the omer after or before they reconquered the land that the grain was grow on.?]

The basic subject is this: The Rambam says there is no acquisition to a idolater IN Israel .So If a Israeli buys the land back, the grain that grows on it will be obligated in truma. The Kesef mishna says :this is even though the Gemara seems to hold there is acquisition, still it must be (according to the Rambam) tat that is not the law. Or that the Gemara is referring to the time when the field is in the possession of the idolater. 

The the Mabit brings that the Kesef Mishna himself was aware of this problem [that even if the land is owned by the idolater, it still is obligated in truma as the Rambam himself says later in that perek.]

So the Beit Yoseph answers the grain is obligated when the smoothing was done by a Israeli. 

Well even though the Beit Yoseph seems like a very new idea--that all agree that when the land is in the possession of the idolater it is not obligated, still if a Israeli buys the grain and does the smoothing of the stack, it is obligated, so where is the argument? The Gra agrees.  The Beit Yoseph himself brings this. So in the long run, where is the argument.

I am sorry for bein short and not explaining what I mean in detail , but it is really really late and I am really tired, To see what I mean look at the the Gemara in Avoda Zara page 47 and the Avi Ezri on First Fruits perek 2, laws 10 and 13

 The West is going crazy trying to turn children into queers and the clear attempts by thousands of “educators”, “counselors”, and other shepherds of the pervertization of children to CONVERT children from normal sexualization to perverted and mutilated sexualization and the Covid Hoaxl.

The over respect for is smart people in the West results in the fact that the social "sciences" and humanities  not worth much. For the professorate are sick-in-mind people who want to have the prestige of a PhD but are too stupid to get one in the real sciences like Physics or Chemistry.