I had been in Uman for Rosh Hashanah so the last one was written while waiting [in the airport near Kiev] for a plane back to the USA.
The first one I do not recall how or when the basic music line was written. Clearly it was around the same time.
Belief in God is rational. Everything has a cause. So unless there is a first cause, then you would have an infinite regress. And then nothing could exist. Therefore there must be a first cause. Therefore God, the first cause, exists. QED.
Danny Frederick was one of the most insightful thinkers of the last generation in political and philosophical thought. Libertarian. While Michael Huemer is great at coming up with great ideas or synthesizing great ideas from the past, Frederick was great as seeing the flaws in arguments.
Someone ought to collect his writings and publish them. It is just too rare in philosophy to have people with genius combined with common sense.
r65 midi file This was written in Uman in May of 2016.I was at the time learning with my learning partner, David Bronson, somewhere in Shas. [All that learning eventually became a second little book]
You might ask why did he not write anything? The reason is he never thought he had any great insights. His questions and insights on Tosphot or Gemara were to him completely obvious. But I was familiar with the learning done in the great Litvak yeshivot and realized tat his insights were anything but common. I figured if I did not write them down along with my own input, they would be lost forever.
[I should mention that my actual learning time was small. He did all the work on the subject before I got to the tziun of Rav Nahman where we were learning. And the actual learning session was just one hour.]
e64 Music File [in midi format]This I think was written around 2011 for that was the end of writing the e series.
That was the time I was learning Bava Metzia with my learning partner David Bronson. I still regret leaving that period for we were nearing the end of perek HaMkabel and I was writing down the ideas we were developing together and writing them down in the little booklet Ideas in Bava Metzia עיוני בבא מציעא
After a year we started again [on general ideas in Shas], but that Bava Mezia thing was never finished. I still wonder what amazing idea I would have heard from him if we had continued on in Bava Metzia.