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learning fast and also review and learning in depth. [

Even though Rav Nahman of Breslov emphasized learning fast there are also a few places where he does bring the idea of review and learning in depth. [Sefer Hamidot and LeM I:78] It does not seem that there is much of  question of which to emphasize since you can see in Conversations of Rav Nahman that the learning fast thing was his major emphasis. [section 76],
If you apply this to learning the natural sciences, Math, Physics, Chem, Biology, then the rule is clear. Learn fast with no review. Say the words in order from the beginning to end.
[Many Rishonim held from learning the natural sciences. That started from Rav Saadia Gaon and Ibn Pakuda.] 
So review is less well defined when and how to go about it.
I suggest in one of the regular sessions to have one session where review is done in the way of starting sta some middle point and working a few pages forward and also a few pages backwards.

[But one should avoid pseudo sciences and pseudo Torah. In fact outside of STEM, anything with the word "studies" attached to it is pseudo science. As for Torah, only the actual written and Oral Law are Torah. That is the actual Old Testament and the two Talmuds and midrashim. Everything else is false Torah or fake Torah.

natural science is pretty clear is most rishonim. However philosophy seems to be an area of contention. The Ramban [Moshe ben Nahman] did not like Aristotle at all. And that means all that followed his approach. But Ibn Pakuda [Obligations of the Hearts] differs as you can see on page one of his intro to his book.


Music from a few years ago b100. [B files were written in Israel around 2001.]

 b100 mp3 b100 nwc file

b100 Midi file

b101 mp3

b101 note worthy composer

b101 Midi



b98 mp3,   b98 [noteworthy composer file. That is a company that has software by which one can write music.

mathematics mp3 mathematics nwc file

[This was written in Uman but put together in NY.]

orchestra mp3 orchestra nwc file This was written when I was in high school. [Influenced by Beethoven an Brahmans and my teachers like Mr Smart.] The B files were much later in Israel. I think this was when I was a sophomore. It was before there was noteworthy software so it was just on paper until many years later I used nwc software to see how it actually sounds.

[Mr Smart was the conductor of the high school orchestra and  a genius that was able to whip up the high school orchestra  into a an almost semi professional level]

All of this music was written in notebooks and then I would develop the themes later.


In NY I started writing down some of the music that my brother had saved. There also was some music that was in notebooks. [That is where the piece mathematics came from. I had been in Hebrew University where  a very nice girl introduced me to Mathematics. Michal. So that piece was written from that inspiration..]

Litvak Yeshiva world. It is really better not to have anything to do with the religious world as long as one is not able to discern between real Torah and the phony Torah of the Sitra Achra.

 It is hard to figure out the Litvak Yeshiva world.  The best way I can see is based on Howard Bloom's idea about a super-organisms and the social "meme". In other words it is not just a place to learn Torah but rather a place to absorb Torah. The trouble is that in any area of value there is always the pseudo areas that surround it. That is not only in Torah, but in Music, and almost any discipline.

For every authentic science there are surrounding it pseudo sciences. [Something gone into by Steven Dutch but his blog is gone.]

So it is really better not to have anything to do with the religious world as long as one is not able to discern between real Torah and the phony Torah of the Sitra Achra. That is one reason certainly the Gra signed the herem [letter of excommunication.] The reason is like it says by Esau that when he saw his wives were not pleasing to his parents Isaac and Rivka he married two more wives that would be pleasing to them.--But he did not get rid of the first two. So the first thing is flee from evil סור מרע and only then  can one do good עשה טוב. That is a verse in Psalms 34 "Flee from evil and do good".--in that order סור מרע ועשה טוב.

People generally associate the Gra and Rav Shach with the religious world but that is not accurate. They followed Torah. The religious world on the contrary follow their interests and the appearance of Torah to trick fry secular yidden [secular Jews] into giving them money. That is a big difference.



peaceful protest

 peaceful protest

Ketuboth 9 side B. If someone marries a girl, and then says he found she was not a virgin, whom do you believe?

 If someone marries a girl, and then says he found she was not a virgin, whom do you believe? [She says she was a virgin.] That is easy. The Gemara in Ketuboth says on page 9b that you believe him since, "No one makes a wedding celebration just to ruin it the next day." But the Gemara says that is only because the Ketuba is not from the Torah, but rather a decree of the sages. ["They require a ketuba and they believe him if he says he did not find her a virgin."]

The Ramban [Nahmanides] asks: So if it was from the Torah, why would she be believed? Anyone coming to court with a document that has  a condition in it has to prove that the condition was fulfilled.

Rav Shach explains the question  and answer of the Ramban based on the gemara in Ketuboth page 76. Two people exchange animals,  It comes out that you have two "hazakot"חזקות [ conditions or state of things]. One "hekat hashta" חזקת השתא [the way things are now you infer that that is the way they were in the past--and extend it as fr as possible] and the other hazaka חזקה from the start. [That is the way things were in the past you assume they keep on going until you know otherwise]  If they work against each other, then you need some other kind of proof. [You see this also in the beginning of Nida]. 

So the Ramban answers that she has a hazaka חזקה and also a majority רוב. That is why she would be believed.

[The Gemara that Rav Shach brings says: Two people exchanged animal A with animal B. The owner of A took possession of B. But when the owner of B went to take A he found it dead. Rav Yehuda said the owner of A has to prove that A was alive at the time of the deal. Rami said no. The owner of B has to show it had died before.]

So now we understand the Ramban. If the Ketuba would be from the Torah, then you would believe her that she was a virgin because the is no Hezkat  hashta [status now]against her original "hazaka meikara" [original status] . Plus a "rov" majority (Most girls get married as virgins). But without that, you would need her to show that she fulfilled the condition of the marriage --that she was  a virgin when she got married. That would be like Rav Yehuda in Ketuboth 76.

So in simple English, the cases with exchange of two animals and the case of the marriage are different. In the case of the animal case, there is חזקת השתא [present status] that works against the חזקה מעיקרא [prior status]. Animal A is not alive so we push that back in time. So to Rav Yehuda, we ask the owner of animal A to show that the animal was alive at the time of the deal. But in the case of the marriage, there is no חזקת השתא [present status],  since she is now anyway not a virgin. So all there is is חזקה מעיקרא --and that is exactly what the Ramban [Nahmanides] says: since there is a חזקה מעיקרא [prior status] we would believe her.



the Litvak world comes out a million times better than anyone else.

 At the two Litvak yeshivas I was in in NY --Shar Yashuv and the Mir, I was aware of Rav Nahman of Uman and Breslov to some degree. And found his teachings to be helpful and inspiring.  The odd thing is later I got much more serious about following Rav Nahman's path and was involved in the group of Rav Shick in Safed.The funny thing is that I would have expected the moral level of people involved in Rav Nahman [Breslov] to be so much higher than anything else that there would be  a clear advantage to following this "Breslov path."

But based on my experience I have to say that the Litvak world of the Musar Yeshivas is hands down a million times more moral and decent than anything I have seen elsewhere. However I do also see the great advantage in the teachings of Rav Nahman. But more on a personal level than as a group. 

I know I have no data on this but my impression is that of you would take the most minimal measures of morality --not to lie, and not to cheat, or scam I would say this is how the test would come out. You measure the times a person has the opportunity to lie and does not lie even to his advantage, and divide that by how many times he has the opportunity. Same with cheating. Same with lying and and same with scamming. You would get a mathematical ratio. So based on my experience (and I think everyone would have to agree) there is no question, the Litvak world comes out a million times better than anyone else. That makes a difference because you can not have holiness without good character traits. Being a "mensch" is the minimum starting level towards holiness.

Without that nothing can start.  

There was a lot of "Hizuk" encouragement I gained from Rva Nahman's books, but to jump ship off the Litvak world was a mistake. I was thinking I was going to find a group on some kind of higher spiritual plane and that was a miscalculation.]