The Litvak Yeshiva world has noticed the importance of the Middle Ages. [That is the people that follow the Torah path like the Gra and Rav Shach.]
That is: the Lithuanian Yeshiva World [i.e. straight Torah] holds highly of Rishonim (mediaeval authorities like the Tosphot, Rif, Rosh etc.) [more than achronim (later authorities after the 1500's) ] and of the Musar (Ethics) of the Middle Ages. [Learning teh Ethics of the Middle Ages was the whole point of Rav Israel Salanter and the Musar movement. Later on, the books of his disciples got added in. But the original idea was the Middle Ages.]
So what do do with Metaphysics? [Emphasized by Maimonides and Ibn Pakuda [the author of the Obligations of the Hearts] right in the beginning of חובות לבבות, [Obligations of the Heart by Behayee Ibn Pakuda].
Medieval metaphysics can not be taken simply simply because some of the axioms do not seem all that correct, even though the logic is correct.
You need to some degree Kant and Hegel. But in the same way that the Litvak world takes achronim--as modifications of Rishonim, not as standing on their own.
[My own opinion is that true Torah is only found in yeshivas that go by the Gra like Brisk or Ponovitch. However, as the sages said-- in the future the truth will be divided. האמת יהיה נעדרת --עדרים עדרים. Since the truth is divided up and you can not find it in just one place. so you need to do a process of "birur" taking the good and discarding what is wrong. But you can not do that until the lies and delusions have fallen. Truth can only come together after lies have been destroyed.]