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Love and marriage are not well managed nowadays. Nor character development.

Love and marriage are not well managed nowadays. Nor character development.

You can see this be the sheer mass of the pretenders to this kind of knowledge.

Psychology is pure pseudo science. But people still fall for it because there is no where else for them to go [as far as they can see].

My own education and thinking about these matters began when I saw the amazing relationship of my parents. Later in the public library I stumbled upon the Symposium of Plato.
So I have a feeling that some aspect of these matters is deep and almost completely unknown
But at least I know to avoid people that pretend to know what they do not know.


Often Torah leaders are actual agents of the Sitra Achra [Dark Side]

I do quote Rav Nahman, but that is not to say that I am in agreement with everything in Breslov. Sometimes I think Rav Nahman is misinterpreted or interpreted in ways that take one off on tangents.[The Torah in Deut. 18:10-11 and Isaiah 19:3 condemns conjuring up the dead. I seem to recall also Isaiah circa 65:4 ] In any case he is very insightful.

  One of his remarkable insights is that often Torah leaders are actual agents of the Sitra Achra  [Dark Side]  which many people have discovered the hard way. But warnings about this problem are rare. It is something that Rav Nahman had the courage to bring attention to this very serious  matter. So many lives would have been saved, so many homes and families would have been saved if people had just be aware of this amazing piece of information.

  He does not give a lot of signs on how to tell who is who,- but even so, the simple warning is already a useful and important bit of information.
[Actually the Talmud itself brings this very same idea yet in the context of the Talmud it is easy to miss. But when Rav Nahman says it at the very beginning of his lessons it is impossible to miss.
[That is ליקוטי מוהר''ן חלק א' סימן י''ב and also סימן כ''ח]

It seems clear to me that I ought to at least here mention the place like Ponoviz where Rav Shach was the Rosh Yeshiva and similar kinds of places that are devoted to straight authentic Torah that I see in a very positive light. But I do not have any kinds of proof or even signs of how to tell.


Two aspects of learning. One is  learning fast--to say the words in order and go on. And sessions in order.That is to start at the beginning of Shas, Yerushalmi, the Tur with the Beit Yoseph , the Avi Ezri of Rav Shach. \
To these two aspects I want to mention a third--to concentrate on one subject for a month or more. I o not mean to cancel the other sessions, but rather to make the major learning for one month in one  book or one subject alone.
At least I must say that that kind of learning helped me gain a lot more understanding that I had before that.
This may not seem like earth shattering news but I thought to share it anyway. To give an example Rav Haim Soloveitchik [on any given law] --I found is good for me to go over daily for a month until it starts to make sense.Same with Quantum Mechanics. To get any understanding at all I found it good to concentrate on that one thing alone for a month or more. Similar with Rav Shach's Avi Ezri.

[One age with Tosphot I usually find takes me about a month to make sense of.  The sections of Rav Shach's Avi Ezri usually take me less time but do require a lot of review.]


There is a teacher of Torah that comes from the Dark Side

Rav Nahman brings this idea: אך דע שיש רב דקליפה והוא בחינת עשו כמו שכתוב בעשו  יש לי רב..ומהם מקבלים הרשעים רוח הטומאה.
"There is a teacher of Torah that comes from the Dark Side. And that is the essence of Esau. And from him the wicked receive the spirit of uncleanliness and evil."
ליקוטי מוהר''ן חלק א' סימן ח

You do not see there that many signs of how to tell the difference.

But in that particular lesson of Rav Nahman you can see he distinguishes between authentic Torah as opposed to Torah from the Dark Side.
And he does go into the phenomenon that you generally feel and tremendous spirit of Life and holiness the instant you walk into an authentic Litvak yeshiva because in the Torah is the spirit of Life. That is what gives you the ability to tell what to avoid--places that do not have that spirit of Life you find in Litvak yeshivas.
Other places have spirit but not from the realm of holiness. And the way you can tell is simple- they do not have the desire to learn Torah. They might learn for money or for show, but that does not count.
This is related to the Hafetz Haim klal 4 law 11 concerning laws of lason hara. There the Hafetz Haim goes into the need  to check out a business partner--to ask around-before you join him in business. all the more so when it comes to supposed teachers of Torah, one should not trust that automatically since they have a good reputation that they are trust worthy. Usually the good reputation is a result of good PR and and in fact usually indicates the person is in fact from the Dark Side.


Famous Torah leaders that are a lie.

The problem with מפורסמים של שקר (famous Torah leaders that are a lie.) come up in the writings of Rav Nahman from Breslov in ליקוטי מוהר''ן חלק ב' סימן א
 It comes up when Rav Nahman is emphasizing the importance of finding good teachers
And then he says this: אך צריך לידע ולהכיר את המפורסמים כי יש כמה מפורסמים שהם בשקר והם רק על ידי עזות כמו שאמרו חז''ל עזות מלכותא בלא תגא

"One must recognize and know the famous people because there are many famous people that are famous and thought to be righteous tzadikm because of lies and fraud."

[Sometimes it is not at all by fraud, but rather great powers and spiritual insights are given to them from the Dark Side in order to create formations of evil.]

The Na Nach groups are more aware of this kind of problem than any other group I have seen or heard of. Still as much as they are aware of this and careful to avoid these kind of  Torah scholars that are demons, I still think they are not as careful as one ought to be.
They also tend to include in that category than I think is fitting.
What I mean to say is that most Litvak Roshei yeshiva that I have known were great people, and certainly not the kinds of demons that Rav Nahman was warning about. [The Litvak Roshei Yeshiva that I knew were Rav Freifeld of Shar Yashuv, and Rav Shmuel Berenbaum of the Mir in NY. Those two I knew fairly well. Almost all Litvak Roshie Yeshiva I knew were very sincere and loved Torah for its own sake, and ran from fame and publicity.]


You can warn someone about a whole group and it is not lashon hara [slander]

You can warn someone about  a whole group and it is not lashon hara [slander]. As the Hafetz Haim himself brings from the Gemara that R. Yehuda HaNasi warned his son: "Stay away from people from the town of Shekenziv because they are לצנים [jokers] and draw in others into their joking."

The reason for this is that there is such a thing as group characteristics.That is not stereotyping. It s simple Game Theory.
The odd thing about this however is that the Hafetz Haim in another place brings that to speak about a whole group, you have to know that every single individual in that group shares those character traits.

We also see in the Hafetz Haim that he brings from Nida pg 61 that even though one can not accept Lashon Hara still he must be wary that it might be true.

So it makes little sense to me that the warning of the Gra is ignored. Especially nowadays when it has become clear [at least in Israel] that he was 100% correct for signing the letter of excommunication.

[That is to say there is such a thing as group dynamics. You can say a group of birds is flying north even if there might be individual birds that are flying sometimes north west and sometimes north east.]

Music for the glory of God