Pick your friends wisely. Pick your enemies even wiser.
Falling into some group is not something that just happens on its own. One makes a choice. And then discovers it is easier to fall into something than it is to all out of it.
A good deal of my own enemies, chose to be enemies for reasons unknown to me. I did not choose them. They hurt me and my family in secret as much and as often as they could all the time pretending to be my friends.
Some kinds of evil are easy to identify. Muslims clearly want to kill all infidels. But there are other groups whose evil is harder to identify as they pretend to be friends. [I have found religious teachers to fit into this later category.]
Winston Churchill once said, "If Hitler invaded Hell, I would make at least a positive reference to the Devil in the House of Commons." The logic of this should be obvious. Churchill recognized (rightly) that maintaining Britain's liberal order was worth allying with the devil. No one went to war with the Nazis just because of the tactics they used. They primarily did it because they couldn't stand the idea of living under a Nazi regime. I can't stand the thought of living under the "quasi-totalitarian" regime of religious teachers. They have shown themselves to be predictable as enemies towards moral and normal Jews. They think their black clothes gives them some kind of air of superiority.
Their opening gambit is to throw normal Jews under the bus, so the enemy will appreciate the fact that they have shown themselves to be reasonable fellows who follow principles.
The kinds of damage religious teachers did to me and my family were because we were not aware of them as enemies. If we had been aware they never could have succeeded in inflicting the kinds of damage that they did.
What sincere people that love the Law of Moses, the Oral and Written Law could do would be to make a clear distinction between themselves and religious teachers. I have said this over before to people but my suggestion was ignored until now. If people understood my point they would make a clear difference between religious teachers and the Litvak Yeshiva World (good - as long as they keep the religious teachers out.)