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Kyle Rittenhouse. The second video. [That is the person accused of murder.]

Kyle Rittenhouse. I want to go over the second video. The first thing that happens is is running away and then he is hit on the head with a skateboard. He does not shoot back. Then he is knocked on the ground and kicked in the head. [You can not see who hit him the second time that caused him to fall. That is blocked from view.] Then someone tries to jump on top of him, and that is when the first shot happens. Then again someone attacks him, and he shoots again. Then a person with a pistol [that is hard to see in the video] has turned around  and almost has his pistol ready to shoot Rittenhouse; and that is when Rittenhouse gets off the third shot. Literally an instant before he is almost killed.   

It is hard to see this as anything but self defense in a dire emergency.

The sages in the Gemara say: הקם להרגך, השכם ותהרוג אותו. "If one is coming to kill you, get up early in the morning and kill him."

He should be awarded a a medal for helping to protect his community.

So why arrest him? It is not as if there is no one out there rioting. So the one person that does the right thing--that is whom they arrest?

The first video is hard to see. But the basic train of events is this. Rittenhouse is running away. The person with the red around his head attacks Rittenhouse, and then throws something at  him, and then that is when you hear the shoot. Also self defense. In all these cases, Rittenhouse was the one running from trouble. But when trouble came to get him, he turned around and protected himself.